A “Cool” COP28: Danfoss joins 60+ governments in supporting Global Cooling Pledge


Danfoss, an industry leader in energy efficiency and climate technologies have announced its endorsement and support for the implementation of Global Cooling Pledge. Recognizing the need to act on cooling, Danfoss joined forces with over 60 governments and other leading corporations to endorse a global pledge in support of sustainable cooling, launched at COP28 in Dubai.

Ravichandran Purushothaman, President, Danfoss India Region said, “Energy demand for space cooling is expected to grow threefold by 2050 if no measures are taken. Already space cooling represents 50% of energy consumption in building operations and it is one of the major contributors of emissions. Implementation of Global Cooling Pledge will give a push to the series of commitments by govts. to accelerate emissions reductions from energy use and refrigerants towards near zero emission cooling by 2050.”

Increasing temperatures, population growth, urbanization and rising incomes are driving the increased need for cooling. According to the first ever Global Cooling Watch Report, launched at this year’s COP28, cooling demand could triple by 2050. This would lead to a doubling of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is equivalent to more than the total annual greenhouse gas emissions of the United States of America today[1].

Jürgen Fischer, President, Danfoss Climate SolutionssaidCooling is one of the biggest societal opportunities of our time. It’s needed everywhere to cool our food, our buildings, and our vaccines. It brings health, growth, and food security for the world’s population. The commitments made by governments through the Global Cooling Pledge are a brave step, but now we must see them take action, implement the technologies readily available today and spread sustainable, energy efficient and climate friendly cooling technologies around the globe.  Action is needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C.”

District cooling: keeping our cities cool without heating up the planet
District cooling is one of the most promising and efficient ways to cool and decarbonize buildings. It typically saves up to 50% of energy compared to conventional cooling systems1.

Anju Mary Kuruvilla, Director- Industry Affairs, Communication& Sustainability said, “Innovation already exists, in the form of District Cooling solutions to increase energy efficiency and the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants to decarbonize the building sector, for creating comfortable, healthy indoor spaces. This will offset the climate change effects. Global alliance of 60+ govts’ along with Danfoss and other leading corporations will contribute to the efforts for reducing the carbon footprint.”

In most cases, chilled water is supplied from a central, electrically powered chiller and circulated to buildings through pipelines. Thermal storage opportunities in district cooling networks enable shifting cold-water production away from peak hours and adapting to variable renewable energies. Centralized plants help professionalize refrigerant management and support the move towards more climate friendly refrigerants. From an urban planning perspective, heat islands, noise and space requirements can be avoided.